Hangzhou Hetai Security & Protection Co.,Ltd.

Tree Domain Rope HT-S012

The 12.5mm low stretch rope is designed for tree care and has a low stretch core.

  • The large diameter ensures high strength and good grip.

  • 100% polyester double weave construction

  • Ensures great flexibility under any conditions (water, dust, mud...), allowing it to maintain excellent handling and optimal functioning with devices

Specification of Tree Domain Rope HT-S012

Ref.MaterialDiameterWeight (g/m)Breaking strengthFigure 8 knot strengthNumber of fallsSheath slippageStatic elongationLength
HT-S012Polyester/ Polyamide12.5mm108g/m34kN18kN> 50%2.10%35m

Find more tree trimming harness at HOATER.

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